Great Lakes/Midwest

Anyone from the general region of the Midwest or Great Lakes?

Specifically, I’m from Northern Illinois, west of Chicago. Anyone else in the vicinity?

I’m an Orthodox Catechumen, looking to meet up with some like minded people and get something started IRL in the area.

I’m in Northwest Indiana, not too far from Chicago. I’m Byzantine Catholic, so I know a lot about Orthodox traditions. My old pastor used to be a monk on Mount Athos, actually… And yet ended up being a Byzantine Catholic priest. Anyway, yes, I’m kind of in the area. At an estimate, I’d say there’s an hour and a half on the highway separating us.

Do you go into Chicago at all on a regular basis?

If there are other people in the area we could start a Chicago chapter. I go into the city on some regular basis, and am planning on moving closer to it sometime in the next year.

No, I don’t go into Chicago on that much of a regular basis. In fact, I should probably be totally honest. I’m only a junior in high school. I heard about this from /rel/, and thought it would be even better than that. So, while at the moment I can’t go anywhere very far, perhaps next year I will be able to do more. And I will certainly keep in mind the goal of creating a Legio Christi chapter with you and whoever else is around in the future. Probably should’ve clarified that first.

Me and my wife live Northwest of Chicago. I’m not sure how many of us there actually are left in Illinois truthfully. But while we’re here we should try to find as many people as we can.

Yeah this state is god awful, but we should make the effort to meet up and network so we can make the best of our time here while we can. Me and my friends have been talking about moving out of the state as soon as we have the resources and wherewithal to do so, but that won’t be for another year or two most likely. Are you open to meeting up?

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NE Ohio resident. Chicago is a bit of a ways

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Absolutely. I’ll be off work the entire month of May. During that time I could organize some kind of meeting places based on everyone elses proximity.
We can make this happen, it’s time we do.

Chicago here. Catholic, fan of Duke, Irving, Zundel, E. Michael Jones, etc., etc., etc.,

I’m from Central Indiana near Fishers/Noblesville area. Indiana doesn’t have very many Catholics so I’m looking for a trad church near me but no luck

Do you all have a preferred method of networking outside of the forum? Are you guys on the Legio Christi discord server?

Anyone interested in meeting up and forming a midwest Legio Christi chapter should DM me to get into our coordination server.

Good ol Roman Catholic (no Sede) here, I live in Illinois, I’ve known proto for over a year.